The story takes place in a kingdom called Armekia… Located on the central plains of Forsena, Armekia finally brought peace to the land by finally defeating the country of Norugaldo, in the year 214. The long war was finally over...
However, in the second month of the year 215, King Hengist of Armekia was assassinated byAdmiral Zemekis. Armekia collapsed and Zemekis proclaimed himself emperor and established the Estoregales. He was possessed by the desire to conquer the world and began his assault on neighboring countries...
You will become one of the Knights of the Rune and participate in the war. Your mission is to stop the war on the continent and bring back peace to Forsena...
Bringing the best elements from Ogre Battle and Dragon Force, this game will keep you busy for a long time. Fully polygonal 3D battle scenes, proportional sized characters, over 30 hours of gameplay for each of the five characters, multiple class changes (sorry for you, but class changes also for monster characters), go on side quests to enhance the story and gain special items.
(For Download, you must wait and click "Skip Ads")
For Playing this game at PC, you must download Emulator and ISO.
Emulator Link:
1. epsxe (link1 OR link2)
2. psxeven
3. psxfin
4. psX emulator
5. for update plugin
Brigandine Legend of Forsena ISO:
1. Link 1 (Find "Brigandine : Legend of Forsena")
2. Link 2 (Dont forget for vote!)
Brigandine Grand Edition ISO:
1. Indowebster CD 1 & Indowebster CD2
2. Megaupload CD1 & Megaupload CD2
3. Mediafire CD1: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5
& Mediafire CD2: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5
4. Rapidshare CD1: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
& Rapidshare CD2: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
(unrar password:
English Patch GE Link:
1. version 3
2. version 5
This is the BGM from the very beginning. | DOWNLOAD | |
This BGM accompanies the movie where New Almekia battles Leonia. Recorded directly from the game, so the sound effects remain. | DOWNLOAD | |
Probably the most used quest BGM in the game. | DOWNLOAD | |
2nd most used quest BGM. | DOWNLOAD | |
Spooky quest BGM. Used for the forgotten momument, the spooky mansion, the cave, and sometimes the lake&tree picture. | DOWNLOAD | |
Used for the waterfall quest. Also used during the latter section of Part 2 of Mira & Millet quest, when the're in Carmine's house and they discover his hous guest is... | DOWNLOAD | |
Used for the "Knight getting wet" quest, wherein your Knight meets the ghost of a girl who gives you an item. Also used for the double suicide bridge. Also used for the latter section of Part 1 of Mira & Millet's quest (after Mira becomes hurt) and the beginning of Part 2 of their quest. | DOWNLOAD | |
Begining Battle. Heard as Attack phase is trtansitioning into an actual battle. Also heard if other countries fight each other. | DOWNLOAD | |
Caerleon Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
New Almekia Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Iscalio Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Norgard Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Leonia Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Esgares attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Get quest item / Level up / Knight Joins. This is the fanfare you hear whenever: You obtain a quest item, a Knight levels up, or a Knight joins your country. | DOWNLOAD | |
Saving file / Return from quest / Status & Organize screens. The BGM heard when you save your game (in Organize or Attack phase; if you save your game during battle, the BGM does not switch away from your country's attack theme.) It is also heard when a Knight returns froma quest and when you go to "Status" or "Organize" screens. | DOWNLOAD | |
End Credits. This is the music heard when viewing the end credis (if anybody ever does that...) | DOWNLOAD |
Countries | Guide | Character | Spell | Class | Training | Bestiary | Quest | Accessories | Weapon | Armor | Item | Map | Encyclopedia | Cheat (You Suck!) | Forsena | Indowebster | Facebook Fans Group
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 309 Newer› Newest»romhustler part 4 broken
check at another link bro
nice, i miss this game so much...
download it from megaupload and it just go find...400++Mb took arround a total 2 hour for 2 disc ^^
wow... happy playing :D
i wonder why i cant play the legend of forsena,,my software epsxe and i cant play brigandine from that 2 sources..
for brigandine ISO, you can choose that 2 link for download, follow the instruction.
for emulator, you can choose 3 of them. if epsxe cannot work at your machine, try another one.
try it.. it work.. :D
pengen maen jg. . .T-T
tpi gk tw gmn cara nha. . .
coba aja, gamenya seru koq.. kalo ada yang kurang paham ditanyain aja disini.. pasti dijawab :D
km tinggal dimana sih?banyak yg pingin aku tanyaen tentang brigandine bos
kadang bogor, kadang bandung, kadang bekasi.. tapi seringan di bandung saya kk :D
nanya dunk.. itu kan yg GE edition kalo ga salah bahasa jepang yah? itu ada patch englishNya bwt ngerubah bahasaNya? itu caraNya gmn yah?
download aja dulu patch englishnya.. nanti disana ada "readme"-nya.. nah bisa dibaca disana bagaimana cara patchingnya.. selamat mencoba ya :D
emulator nya kok banyak yang ga bisa ya?
nanya dong, kan udah di dl patch english nya, gue udeh jalanin caranya , kok tetep aja ya bhs nya jepang?
emulator mana yang ga bisa?? mungkin bisa saya benerin linknya.. karen sudah cukup lama linknya..
mungkin bisa di patching ulang, ato mungkin bisa dipatching versi satunya lagi.. saya sudah coba dan itu berhasil.. mungkin kurang teliti dalam mengikuti tutorialnya
bang saya donlot tiap partnya kok gak sampek full ya?? kan ad yg part 1 nya 40mb, tp donlotannya cuma 7,5mb?
gmana tuh??
yang mana itu coy?? kan ada banyak opsi.. dipilih aja.. kalo gagal.. pake opsi laennya.. soalnya itu link dah lama.. munkin saya harus cek lagi..
kenapa tiap kali download ISO dari link satu selalu gagal ya??dari total 40MB cuman dapet 265kb
kan udah download disc 1 dan 2nya tuh dimegaupload, abis itu diapain lagi kk ?
hahehu: mungkin koneksinya bro.. ini sudah saya coba semua link-nya dah berhasil
anonymous: coba donlot emulatornya, nanti bisa main brigandine deh abis itu :)
oo mungkin juga...thx dah...berarti gua mesti coba2 terus....udah gak sabar maen game ini ^^
unexpected end of archieve....file yg gua download selalu gak full....paling banter dapet 3MB... padahal kemaren gua download file yang lebih besar gak masalah,ini gara2 koneksi atau komp gua ya bro?
bro gua udah bisa download brigandinenya tapi pas mau maen gak bisa...muncul ePSXe: Opcode [11-454c4946] in PC[bf00000] UNKNOWN[00000000:000:0]
napa nih bro??
hahehu: itu biasanya settingan di epsxe-nya.. coba biar ga ribet bro bisa pake emulator pxeven. itu ga perlu disetting2.. saya blom pernah kejadian begitu si sebenernya, itu baru kemungkinan utamanya..
tx y bro.......
elfnine: your welcome :)
woi ada yg di jatim gak...? surabaya?
klo ada gw minta isonya isa?
waduh2.. coba2 yang di jatim ngaku hayo!.. bantuin tuh..
bro g udah di pacth tpi ko pas conversation mreka tetep bahasa jpang ya?
iya, memang itu cuma untuk skill dsb yg penting buat battle.. sisanya jepang.. masi dlm proses.. saya cuma kasi link... bukan saya yg buat kk.. hehe
emang downloadnya dmana?setau gw klo di romhustler itu ud bahasa inggris dch...baik battle maupun conversation...
Gory: owh gitu.. punya linknya Gory? bisa dong di share disini.. biar bisa saya tambahkan linknya untuk teman2 pecinta brigandine lainnya...
thx brow, saya jd bisa nostalgia
dulu pake cd ps1 nya tp entah kenapa gara" tuh cd dah lama dr taun 2000 jd ga kebaca T_T
ok.. sama2.. jgn lupa difollow blognya..
cobain GE, lebih asik
happy brigandine :))
aaaaa, love this game so muuuuch, kk !! mo nanya dunk, kalo mau maen kan mesti download emulator dlu kan ya ? nah itu link ke emulator pxeven koq file not found ya ? ada emulator lain ga yg ga ribet ?? thx berraraararararat
oke saya akan upload link baru, tunggu aja besok.. kunjungin lagi situs ini..
thx ya >.<
lama cari LoF ga ketemu eh dapet GE huahuahua
y do my game always crash when pixie uses protect? i m playing ge edition and using psxfin, hope u can solve my problem. thank u
@guan: hmm, try another emulator, for example epxse or psxeven
thanks, dat solve my problem and also thanks for d game
ok, nice to hear that.
happy brigandine bro.
dont forget to follow this blog. :)
Thank you very much sir, I've been looking for this for 2 years..your are the true hero my friend thank you..
@manny: take it easy bro. slow.. if you need something, visit this blog.. dont forget to follow my blog :)
brigandine gak ada ya? format SNES..
@anonymous: wah saya blum dapet tuh.. mungkin kalo kamu dapet, bisa dishare disini deh :)
brigandine cma ngluarin versi sony playstation doang y?? g ad versi ps2/pc/mobile/ yg laen..laen
klo ad tolong d share lg y
@yovan: ok nanti kalo keluar edisi baru nanti saya share, sejauh ini yang saya tau forsena cuma ngeluarin untuk Sony PS doang...
gitu van.
tq dah berkunjung, jgn lupa di follow blog-nya :)
gue udh download yg GE, tp dri megaupload 2, apa hrus megaupload 1 jg ya?
trus pas gue buka dri ePSXe nya kok ga bisa ya?
tlg jwb ya...
kalau pake PSXeven harus pakai CD ya?
gue main brigandine GE nya pake PSXeven kok minta disc ya?
@anonymous1: download keduanya.. soalnya itu 2 CD kk. nanti kalo pas masuk epsxe, inputin CD-nya dalam bentuk ISO. nanti bisa koq.
@anonymous2: coba setting2 aja, nanti bisa koq pake ISO
@hans: ya memang emulator cuma sebagai alat buat bisa seperti PS, selebihnya harus masukin CD.. nah disini ISO bertindak sebagai CD, jadi kudu download ISO-nya juga baru bisa maen kk
GEde bener sizenya kk >.<!
ya begitulah bro
Permisi, Saya sudah tamat brigandine GE yang disc1. Tetapi saat Saya disuruh mengganti ke disc2, disc tidak bisa di ganti. Anda bisa bantu Saya ?. Emulator Saya epsxe 1.7.1 ...
Shalom, Natal, terima kasih ^_^
wih wih wih asik bgt ne gan.. jd nostalgia lg maen brigandine..
game paling mantep ne menurut gw cerita na jg asik...
thx gan numpang sedot
@anonymous: coba ganti emulator.. selamat natal dan taun baru juga..
@anonymous2: silahkan..
jgn lupa difollow blognya
gan numpang nanya...
brigandine LOF waktu mulai kok ga bisa di start gan?
ngulang2 movie awal aja...
emu nya yg bermaslah apa file iso nya?
pencerahannya gan...
@anonymous: hmmm.. coba ganti emulator.. ato tombol startnya mungkin.. coba cek dulu..
ada yang untuk pc tampa emulator?
soalnya, kk aku marah kalau aku maen pake emulator di kom. katanya emulator bisa merusak bios dan lain2 yah?
kgs. fathan: saya dan teman2 lainnya menggunakan emulator.. dan tidak terjadi apa2 pada bios tuh.. aman2 saja..
kalau saya belum menemukan brigandine tanpa emulator. mungkin teman-teman yang lain bisa bantu.
yah yah... emang aku udah tau kalau menggunakan emulator nggak ngerusak... tapi kk aku nggak percaya, dia bilang sudah bertanya sama IT komputer... aku jadi heran, yang bodoh aku atau kk sih...
Tapi aku maen brigandine nih dah level Hard semua kerajaan udah ku maen ni. termasuk Esgares
tapi aku lupa cheatnya
@kgs. fathan: cheat?? cheat apa?
gimana download brigandine GE ISO? thnx
Terima kasih banyak
Berkat kk saya dapat bermain Brigandine GE
dengan bahasa Inggris
Kapan-kapan kalau ada Brigandine 2 buat PC kasih tau linknya ya
kk yang link 1 brigandine LOF fungsi ga?
pake psx yang mana?
@anonymous: di klik aja linknya.. trus skip ads.. trus download deh..
@cador: senang bisa membantu.
@cacing: coba pake link 2 kalo link 1 ga bisa, semuanya emulaotr, semuanya bisa koq..
pas DI DL kok ada DONASI" segala
jadi gak jelas kk...
@cacing: gini cing.. kamu pas DL, nanti tunggu aja... trus ada tulisan "skip ads" nah klik itu, abis itu DL deh.. selamat mencoba
ko setiap saya instal emulator eror?
ada file yg not found. knp tuh gan?
eh sudah bisa gan. make emulator PSXeven bisanya.
eh ini ko suara gamenya ga ada? downloadnya terpisah ya?
@rifqi: nggak koq.. saya normal2 aja.. hmmm.. coba setting2 device ke emulatornya..
dah bisa gan. sip sip
cuma suara pas baru awal game yg ada start continue sama sound , ga ada suara apa"
trus pas dah maen tp ga ngapa"in jg ga ada suaranya (pas ga ke organize di game). ngerti ga gan maksud saya.
pas di organize baru dah ada suaranya .
@rifqi: ooowh ga ada backsoundnya ya?? hmmm waduh itu kurang tau saya... pake winamp aja biar ada musicnya.. hehe
eh bisa ga make esgares? (Zemeckis).
untuk GE, bisa.
untuk LoF itu pas kamu milih negara kamu pencet
L1+R1+start kalo ga salah.. kalo salah, kamu coba:
bisa koq.
wow bisa gan!
GE apaan tuh? hahahaha
itu di SS Adhinata's esgares, semua dah di lvl 20?
ko banyak yg gw ga kenal
eh ada tempat buat beli monster yg spesial(rahasia) ga?
kalo ada kasih tau donk, hahaha
jawab skalian ya
kk bisa jelasin lagi cara patch englishnya..
masi krg ngerti saya..
@rifqi: itu SS level monsternya udah gede.. jadi dia evolusi
GE itu Grand Edition.. ya edisi kedua keluaran jepang.
summon monter semua sama, bedanya disetiap kastil beda2 nyediain monsternya. beda di stat monsternya jg dikit2.
@anonymous: patch englishnya buat yang GE. karena GE taadinya japanese bahasanya.
@all: difollow dong blognya yah biar kalian tau nanti saya update2
gan itu yg di bawah zemeckis spa?
trus d sbelah red phoenix spa?
itu ane g kenal
yg dari ss
eh klo bsa skalian tutorial quest donk gan
buat dpetin knight2 lain
@anonymous: itu bawah zemekis itu si esmeree diubah jadi sage classnya
sebelah phoenix itu lord vampire
oke2 ntar dipost tutorialnya
nanya gan..
cara jalanin cheat GE yang d dalam folder gmn?
masukinnya dmn?
Bang, gw coba kode buat maenin esgares di ePSXe, tp gagal. ada tips? barangkali ada yg pernah coba di emulator dan sukses...
@anonymouse: coba pake emulator laen kaya
1. psxeven
2. psxfin
3. psX emulator
silahkan donlot di atas.
kk..Cara dowNLoad game Brigadine Di Pc gmn Sih...????
kk adhinata, kan battle scene brigandine LOF ada 3D nya, kok d brigandine GE gak ada y ?
@anonymous1: saya ga pernah pake cheat, jadi kurang tau om
@sendhi: kamu klik apa yang mo di download, tunggu, terus klik skip ads, abis itu download deh ampe beres ^^
@anonymous: emang kalo GE dia ga ada battle scenenya.. jadi hajar hajaranna di versi kecil ajah..
kk, itu semua di donload ??
aku udah lama gag maen,, pinin maen lgi kk T,T,,,,
should i sownload all emulator links? or one is enough?
should i download all emulator links from epsxe to psx emulator? or one is enough?
@what is here: ya terserah mo di dl ato nggak jg gpp koq. yg penting DL emulatornya ma isonya
@anonymouse1: no, download an emulator only
@anonymous2: one is enough. if its not enough, you can download all of them.
sir it stopped working its like the end of the 1st cd.. how can i make it work again?
@anonymous: you can try to play with another emulator, cos play with different emulator can make the ISO works, and then if you pass that state which the ISO stop works, you can play with your usual emulator.
how to download emulator and ISO? do I have to download a torrent? thanks
can you post another link for psx emulator? thanks.. ill try playing again in different emulators and the brigandine legend of forsena iso doesn't work for me on epsxe and psxfin emulators
@anonymous1: just click the link, skip the ads and download it. no torrent at that link
@anonymous2: try play with psxeven, its works
hello again adhinata.. i can make legend of forsena work now.. but the problem is still the grand edition.. i tried it in 3 emulators ( epsxe, psxfin, and psxeven)but is still stopped in years 216(epsxe and psxfin) and 215(psxeven), what should i do? should i download another ISO? thanks
whats the best emulator? epsxe, or psxeven? thanks adhinata
@anonymous1: that ISO not broke, its because your emulator. save before the error state and change with another emulator until you pass that error state, and then you can save again and play with your usual emulator.
@anonymous2: each emulator have good point and bad point. i usually play with epsxe, but epxse not the best emulator for me because there is any error at epxse actually
should I pick only one emulator? thanks adhinata
adhinata are you sure that any link or downloads here have no viruses? thank you
should I download all soundtracks? or some of them are not needed? thank you
should I put all my downloads in one folder? thanks
adhinata the computer says that it does not open the epsxe emulator. Should I download winzip for RAR?
@anonymous1: sure, just pick one, and if you don't like it, just pick another one
@anonymous2: I'm sure, indeed
@anonymous3: no, its optional. if you like it, you can download it.
@anonymous4: it's up to you bro
@anonymous5: yes, if it rar data, you must open that with winrar.
Adhinata should I download the link 1 and link 2 of Brigandine legend of forsena or only one? Thank you
@anonymous: just pick one link. tq, dont forget to follow my blog :)
om,,koimasukin patch english bisa lancar tp pke bhs jpangk setelah patch english dimasukan kok jadi not responding mulu??
padahal sebelum dimasukin patch english lancar2 aja tuh,,tp bhsanya jepang
@roland: coba patch lagi.. yang v5 yah.. saya normal2 aja tuh
iya,,hhe udah bisa,,,tp drpd GE mash bagusan yg Legend of Forsena,,,kualitasnya lbh mantap,,,klo yg GE percakapanya msh bhs jepang,,jd gatau jalan ceritanya
kk itu yg di ScreenShot, rune knight yg no 2 di bawahx zemeckis siapa??? job apa??
Adhinata When I Extract The Brigandine legend of forsena 'via winrar it says error and this it the message "Winrar Diagnostic message"
"C:\Users\VIS\Downloads\Brigandine-Legend of Forsena [U] [SLUS-00687].part1.rar:Unexpected end of archive."
Please Help me Thank you Adhinata! :)
Adhinata When I got the BIN File of the brigandine, is it okay to delete the winrar file of it? thank you.
Why is it after I picked a hero and choose difficulty and it is hanged to "Now Loading". Please help. Thank You
Adhinata its okay now I can play it but the only problem is I played for more than 4 hours and I saved it I thought it would be saved but when I reset it my saved file is missing. Haha I wasted my wime -__- How can I save file? Thank you I'll follow your blog.^^
@ronald: memang kamu bisa tau ceritanya di LoF, tapi endingnya lebih bagus di GE. coba aja.. bisa lawan bulnoil.
@anonymous1: leader nomer 2 itu esmeree, dia kan udah expert, jadiin ke class laen ke mystic terus sage.. biar bisa geno thunder, holy word, pokonya semua spell ada. ato kalo mau ke witch jg bisa biar punya meteor doom.
@anonymous2: legend of forsena is iso data. you can play it at emulator, not winrar. maybe your downloaded iso data is broken, you can try download again or try another link for LoF coz there is 2 link, try another.
@anonymous3: for safe play, don't delete any data.
@anonymous4: try with another emulator
@anonymous5: wew, im sorry to hear that. you can setting your saving folder at that emulator setting, if you play with epxse, you can just click "save state" for save your game.
Adhinata I cant save my file. Im using epsxe now and when I save and click the "Save state" button I thought it would be saved. Then I close the emultor epsxe. When I restart the epsxe there are no file to load in "Load state" but I clicked the "save state" in slot 1. Please help that's only my problem. ^_^ Thank you
@anonymous: hmmm, maybe you can try to manual save or you can download again epxse and move the epsxe to different folder (its make different registry at windows). and you can setting at "config/memory card", create a memory file.
dont forget to follow my blog :)
HAHA Adhinata I Found a way. I tried to run the brigandine first and then I clicked escape then I clicked the "Load State" button and it loaded. HAHA By the way Thank you Adhinata for suppport. I'll follow your blog!! :) :) :) =D
nice shot!. ^^. no problemo. thx.
adhinata can I download and play the final fantasy 7 while brigandine is saved? or do you have final fantasy 7 download guide? thanks. Is the FF7 works in your emulator epsxe link 1? thanks again
@anonynmous: yes, you can save it.
but sorry, I don't have FF7 guide :(
if you have FF7 ISO or another play station game SIO, you can play it too at epsxe.
I downloaded the Eng patch of BrigGE but i dont knnow on how to use it or how to work on it because when I downloaded it is still not english version. please help ty
I downloaded the Eng version 3 and the BrigGE is still not Engversion. How to work on it please help thanks.
@anonymous: try to download Eng Version 5. there is readme.txt file. read it.
kaka,yg brigandine GE kan ada 2CD,tu gmana ya maksudnya?
@anonymous: kamu downloadnya CD 1 ama CD 2, nanti di game, kamu disuru masukin CD2 ya kamu ganti CD (ada koq featurenya di emulator buat eject CD)
kaka,cara lawan bulnoil gmana ya?koq dia kebal gtu?
@anonymous: gini, kamu bunuh dulu anak buahnya yang biru ma merah.. bawa 2 phoenix biar bisa lebih survive. pukul aja, nanti lama2 barriernya ilang koq. sebenernya yang sakit itu anak buahnya, bulnoilnya ga begitu sakit..
kk coba donlod dlu yah kalo bingung saia nanya :D
aku donlot brigandine legend of forsena,donlot kelar trus nyoba maen,pas menu awal lancar,tapi pas udah milih-milih dificulty nya itu langsung nge-blank aja gitu item..
itu kenapa ya bro..??
aku pake epsxe170-1034..
nyoba pake psxfin tambah kacau..
ngulang lagi ngulang lagi pas beginning tuh..
tapi game yang laen ga da masalah bro..
@ralufi: settingnya video epsxenya cb ganti2.. ato coba pke psxeven
thx bro udah bisa sekarang...
ternyata salah pake cdimage'nya..
biasanya pake yang .img tapi ternyata yang dipake disini yang .cue
tinggal donlot yang GE.
btw..dah aku follow.
keep sharing bro
@ralufi: wah, conratz ya. thx udah follow ya. GE kalo ngerti bahasa jepang, bagus ceritanya tuh :)
update plugin harus di download ya ???
romshutler nya downloadnya klik yg mana ??
@anonymous: optional koq buat update plugin
@ikutin aja petunjuk romhusternya.. mudah koq
bnyak amat download nya
brpa MB smuanya?
@anonymous: ya ga perlu semuanya.. yang kamu butuhin aja. wah saya kurang apal brp totalnya.. ya kalo semua bisa sampe 1,5Gb.
is there a brigandine in GBA emulator?
crissaganda: as i know, brigandine just only for psx.
Bro,kalo pas maen Brigandine GE tuh cara masukin cd2 nya gmn ya..??
soalnya pas diminta insert cd2,trus pake change dic dari emulatornya,ga mau jalan dia...
mohon bantuannya..
@ralufi: coba pake emulator lain deh.. tapi save file disamain.. data memori cardnya di load pake emulator yg berbeda.
CD1,,,via IDWS filenya corrupt??
bisa mnta tolong jawab langsung ke email aja..
@lucky: coba link yg laen, bs koq
bisa g yg idws ny diupload ulang,,pelan bgt kl lwt yg laen..
trz g bisa dilanjutin donlot ny kl lg macet..
punya mirror lain g??
etheruoload misalnya..
kak tanya..
brigandinenya udah bisa,, tapi pas udah milih negara kan ada loadingnya.. tapi smpe situ ga mau jalan?? itu knpa y kk?
@anonymous1: nanti saya upload di mirror lain.
@anonymous2: emulatornya ga cocok itu.. pake emulator lain
mau nanya, itu english version nya udah di download diapain yah kk? bingung :(
bro, saya mau tanya ni cdnya ga dijual ta? kalo download susah inetnya lambat. brp MB memangnya berat game ini. thx a lot.
bro aku juga minta link buat donlodnya ya.. plisss. pngn main... T.T thhx a lot
@jefry: posisi dimana emang?? bisa aja si dikirimin kalo mau.. link downloadnya diatas kalo mo download.. download aja emulatornya ama isonya..
Surabaya, . urutan downloadnya gmn kk? kalo jarang ol minta no hp aja kk. thx.
kk itu di donlod smua ato gmn. MB besar2. mending beli cd d kk.
@jeffry: sebenernya saya ga jualan, saya cuma share2 aja.. jauh jg ke surabaya.. nomer hape liat di FB saya aja kk.
DL aja bebas.. ga ada urutan.. yg penting isonya ama emulatornya.
kalo berkenan, tolong di follow blog saya ini. terima kasih
gpp kk saya ga bisa donload terlalu gd. mending beli aja. hehe bisa?????
fbnya apa. ?
aku masuk blog ini aja nyasar. hehe
nanti di burn deh. paling 1 dvd. cari aja FB adhinata kurniawan.
ini game wktu ane msh SD, mantap ni game,
ane lg mainin yg versi GE berkat agan,
ane mw nanya,
kq wktu lg battle animasinya ga muncul ya? setau ane, klo lg mukul/attack, ada animasinya, monsternya jd fullscreen, bergerak ,nyerang, ini kq nda ada ya? animasinya cma mukul dari peta doang???
ngerti kn maksud ane,
@anonymous: ga ada battle scene di GE om..
gan soundtrack nya juga di download ya
untk legend of forsena link 1 ma link 2 di download juga ya
gan napa kalau saya main brigadine nya gerak kan nya cepat-cepat
@rhice: setting emulatornya aja di setting fps (video)
follow my blog. tq
gan kalau cara untuk ngelanjutin brigandine GE cd2 gimana ?
what should i do or download in order to play this game..
im really craving for this game.. pls help me
I can't load the cd 2 when I was prompt to. what should I do? when I tried to load it, it only showed the the screen prompting me to insert cd 2 . again.
@rhice: eject aja.. ada fitur eject di emulatornya kan
@anonymous: download the iso and emulator..
@anonymous: mount the CD 2 first to your emulator .. and you can play it then
I already did. when I was asked to change it, I changed the Disc>ISO to the 2nd cd, but nothing happened. It went back to the screen with the picture of Cador and Halley with the cd2 with prompting text again.
I also tried changing it to cd2 while in cd1. it worked but when for example,I'm using lance and defeated the last esgares castle or when playing esgares and had 26 castles, after the scenes it will ask for the cd2 again. even if I am playing it already in cd2.
@anonymous: oo, i see.. try to playing with the other emulator.. and if you pass that condition (lag/freeze/stop responding condition), save to memory card and load with your usual emulator, and change the disc to disc 2 then.
kk ini caranya make joystick gimana ya? ini make emulator yang PSX even
kk uda isa kk, sorry ternyata tadi yang habis batere joystick ane, wkwwkwk
adeeeh... aku dah 9 kali tamat legend of porsena om, tp PS 1..
udah tamat smua countrynya.. seru banget.. tapi yang GE lom coba. kira" mana yang asik gan <<
gan- ISO Dl yang mananya gan?? Pencerahan GAN<< HELEP!!
mainan sd!!!! kangen :D
bang ini gimana si cara downloadnya?
download emulator dll semuanya trs diapain?
sorry gaptek
@keong_madu & @anonymous: download ISOnya sama salah satu emulatornya. klik aja.. nantui klik aja "skip Ads" dah gt udah deh.. tinggal download
kk cara lwn bulnoil gmn ?
emang level nya harus hard ?
trus pake negara yg mana ?
@anonymous: itu harus maen yang GE.. di LoF ga ada scene lawan bulnoil
dri dlu blog ini tetep aj rame
baru tau ada ge nya..
thx y uploadny
dlu main di ps lgsg cuman yg LoF aj
skrg coba yg ge ah
silahkan brp silent.
difollow dong blognya biar tambah rame
adhi,saya udh coba main.tapi pas cd 2 ga bisa.udh change disk tetep tulisannya insert disk 2.saya memakai epsxe jadi dimohon kasih petunjuk ya.saya kangen berat ama sd T____T. tolong ya
petunjuknya yg lengkap yoooo thanks ;)
gini cador, disini kan ada 3 emulator, coba kamu siapin semua emulator itu.. (download)
1. save state terakhir sebelum ganti disc di memori card
2. coba ganti emulator trus load dari memori card yg tadi ada save-annya
3. jalanin sampe lewat state ganti CD
4. save lg trus maen di emulator biasanya deh.
semoga berhasil.. di follow ya blognya :)
numpang share y gan
- video tutorial emulator ps1
- video tutorial gameshark for emulator ps1
batercus: silahkan
maaf kalo save an yg udh di save di save state adanya di folder sstate ya??(di epsxe)trus di copy gitu ke emulator yg lain??(saya rada bingung juga emulator mana yg bagus selain epsxe)maaf ,mohon petunjuknya ya
coba aja semua emulator.. kan masing2 orang beda sukanya.. iya di copy aj.. soalnya data save-an memori cardnya sejenis filenya..
beda kk.saya coba di save state(epsxe) trus save statenya saya copy ke psxFIN(psxeven ga bisa).tetep aja ga bisa.ada cara lain ga??? T__T
@cador: serius ga bisa? koq yg laen ma saya bisa yah.. hmm.. coba pake psx emulator cador
mau nanya nih , klo aku maen Brigandine The Legend of Forsena kok ga bisa milih kerajaan ya?
perasaan klo aku maen di PS 1 masih bisa , tolong di jawab , trims ^_^
jadi aku cmn bisa pake negara iscalio doang =__=
ga bisa pake norgard, leonia dsb.
@ivan: wah, kenapa?? coba pake negara lain.. strategi perangnya beda kalo beda negara.. iscalio lebih ke meteor doom sama bahamutnya kan keras
nah itu aku tuh klo maen brigandine LoF ga bisa milih negara =__=
salah apanya tuh?
emulator / ISO file nya?
mw nanya ni, ni kok aku ada bahasa jepang ya??
y apa caranya ngatur jadi bahasa inggris semua??
pertanyaan aku yg di atas jawab juga ya, ini satu lagi mau nanya , klo cara dapet loki tuh gimana sih?
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