The story takes place in a kingdom called Armekia… Located on the central plains of Forsena, Armekia finally brought peace to the land by finally defeating the country of Norugaldo, in the year 214. The long war was finally over...
However, in the second month of the year 215, King Hengist of Armekia was assassinated byAdmiral Zemekis. Armekia collapsed and Zemekis proclaimed himself emperor and established the Estoregales. He was possessed by the desire to conquer the world and began his assault on neighboring countries...
You will become one of the Knights of the Rune and participate in the war. Your mission is to stop the war on the continent and bring back peace to Forsena...
Bringing the best elements from Ogre Battle and Dragon Force, this game will keep you busy for a long time. Fully polygonal 3D battle scenes, proportional sized characters, over 30 hours of gameplay for each of the five characters, multiple class changes (sorry for you, but class changes also for monster characters), go on side quests to enhance the story and gain special items.
(For Download, you must wait and click "Skip Ads")
For Playing this game at PC, you must download Emulator and ISO.
Emulator Link:
1. epsxe (link1 OR link2)
2. psxeven
3. psxfin
4. psX emulator
5. for update plugin
Brigandine Legend of Forsena ISO:
1. Link 1 (Find "Brigandine : Legend of Forsena")
2. Link 2 (Dont forget for vote!)
Brigandine Grand Edition ISO:
1. Indowebster CD 1 & Indowebster CD2
2. Megaupload CD1 & Megaupload CD2
3. Mediafire CD1: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5
& Mediafire CD2: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5
4. Rapidshare CD1: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
& Rapidshare CD2: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
(unrar password:
English Patch GE Link:
1. version 3
2. version 5
This is the BGM from the very beginning. | DOWNLOAD | |
This BGM accompanies the movie where New Almekia battles Leonia. Recorded directly from the game, so the sound effects remain. | DOWNLOAD | |
Probably the most used quest BGM in the game. | DOWNLOAD | |
2nd most used quest BGM. | DOWNLOAD | |
Spooky quest BGM. Used for the forgotten momument, the spooky mansion, the cave, and sometimes the lake&tree picture. | DOWNLOAD | |
Used for the waterfall quest. Also used during the latter section of Part 2 of Mira & Millet quest, when the're in Carmine's house and they discover his hous guest is... | DOWNLOAD | |
Used for the "Knight getting wet" quest, wherein your Knight meets the ghost of a girl who gives you an item. Also used for the double suicide bridge. Also used for the latter section of Part 1 of Mira & Millet's quest (after Mira becomes hurt) and the beginning of Part 2 of their quest. | DOWNLOAD | |
Begining Battle. Heard as Attack phase is trtansitioning into an actual battle. Also heard if other countries fight each other. | DOWNLOAD | |
Caerleon Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
New Almekia Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Iscalio Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Norgard Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Leonia Attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Esgares attack | DOWNLOAD | |
Get quest item / Level up / Knight Joins. This is the fanfare you hear whenever: You obtain a quest item, a Knight levels up, or a Knight joins your country. | DOWNLOAD | |
Saving file / Return from quest / Status & Organize screens. The BGM heard when you save your game (in Organize or Attack phase; if you save your game during battle, the BGM does not switch away from your country's attack theme.) It is also heard when a Knight returns froma quest and when you go to "Status" or "Organize" screens. | DOWNLOAD | |
End Credits. This is the music heard when viewing the end credis (if anybody ever does that...) | DOWNLOAD |
Countries | Guide | Character | Spell | Class | Training | Bestiary | Quest | Accessories | Weapon | Armor | Item | Map | Encyclopedia | Cheat (You Suck!) | Forsena | Indowebster | Facebook Fans Group
My Screenshot:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 309 of 309 Newer› Newest»@ivan: harusnya sih bisa.. keknya coba pake emulator laen.. coba2 aja biar banyak tau.. kalo loki dari giant terus upgrade ke gigas trus minum potion (namanya lupa), kalo giant ke titan nanti bisa jadi thor.
@viggo: buat yang GE, itu ada english patchnya.. download aja.. trus ikutin cara-caranya nanti.
kak adhinata klo boleh minta evolution evolution monster aneh ya? XD
@ivan: kamu liat di tulisan blog saya dipaling bawah.. kan ada information tuh.. kalo kamu mo liat evolution monsternya.. kamu klik "Bestiary".. kalo kamu mo liat evolusi leadernya kamu klik yang "Class"
kamu tungguin 5 detik, klik skip ads-nya.. nanti dia ngasi info yang kamu mau.
o iya makasih, ini biar jelas ya kk, pas saya mau maen,.. di start langsung pake iscalio , klo di diemin malah movie nya maen lagi =_____= salah apanya kk? aku download yg "dont forget for vote"
pengen maen lagiiii...
gimana cara donlowdnya, udah kangen sama game ini ^^
@ivan: coba pake emulator lain.. sepertinya bisa pilih negara
@viggo: install english patchnya
@ivan: lokinya dah tau kan?? kan ada di bestiary
@ivan: bukan salah iso-nya van.. soalnya yang laen aja pada bisa koq
@anonymous: silahkan di download aja (kilk yg mau di download), nanti skip ads trus ikutin aja prosedurnya..
kk adhinata aku maw tanya mohon dijawab, aku dah pngen banget maen brigandine cuman waktu aku dah run kan plih negara gitu truss waktu plih loadingnya kyk stuck gitu gk bisa gerak udah kurunggu 2 jam gk ada hasil harus gimana nih?
@anonymous: coba pake emulator lain.. itu kurang cocok emulatornya sama komputernya.. soalnya cocok2an juga sih
w punya computer tp g pke net.. bs maen g dgn cara download nh game d blog ini??
@ahmad: bs2. lo download aja dulu emulator sama ISOnya.. nanti maen di rumah ga perlu internet
gan gw minta link download dari media fire yang BRIGANDINE THE LEGEND OF FORSENA tapi di bagi 4 atau 8 part bs ga ??
please gan di confirm req gw ,penegn banget maen lagi nih game...
saya sudah download semua yg d atas terus apalagi yg harus saya lakukan agar bisa maen d PC
@akirai: nanti saya coba cari/upload/bagi deh.. tapi kamu coba download dulu aja.. kecil koq itu, ukuran 1 film.
@ahmad: setting, maenin.. buat ngesave data, kalo pake epxse tinggal save state.. kalo pake memori card ya setting dulu memori cardnya baru bisa ngesave. :)
see my vaynard team add
sekalian mo nanya nih ada program buat ubah file eboot.pbp ke iso ga? dah terlanjur donlod brigandine ge yg file pbp nih males donlod lg. trs dah cb pake popstrip-0.3-win32 masih tetap ga bisa..ada saran program lain? tks
@anonymous: its cool with poseidon :)
@anonymous: coba cek itu
Tq bro...berkat blog kamu., aq bisa main GE..,dan sudah tamat skrg..
ternyata halley sama cador ada "main main"
@ryko: wkwkwk, emang iya bro
gan mau nanya nih....
kalo download dari mediafire yang per part 1-5 tu harus di extract jadi 1 ato gmn???
kasi pencerahannya....
tetep update donk gan ~
cara satuin filenya gimana mas ?
bos , itu yg di barisan zemeckis paling ujung momon apaan ?
@bboy lozt limit: oke gan.. difollow dong gan blognya
@anonymous: satuin yg mana ya?
@lockz: vampire lord.. perubahan dari ghoul level 20
ini daftar rune knight dgn rune power tinggi:
Dogal, Cortina, Alsace (almekia), Aldis, Soleil, Ector. Semua rune knight diatas pasti nembus 400 rune power. soleil bisa jd ninja master. equip solomon ring dan klo bisa ubah ke job swordmaster dan pake kusanagi (rune power +20). Dijamin puas bawa monster :D happy brigandine
Berikut daftar monster yg bisa di dapat dr quest:
Lucifer : Seraph pake fruit of vice
Lilith : Satan pake liquor of charm
Loki : Gigas pake wisdom seed
Thor : Titan pake rage lightning
Lizard King : Lizard guard pake Gold Crown
Utk thalos : Bronze golem lv 30
Utk tiamat dan poseidon di brigandine GE sangat bgs krn bisa equip versailus ring (merubah movemnet jd high sky type jd ga lelet move nya)
moga tips ini bermanfaat bagi brigandine lover :D
buat bisa maen Brigadine di PC, pakailah PSX even
aku juga mengalami hal yang sama, setelah pakai emulator ini langsung bisa dengan normal.
kk mau nanya, saya kan make epsxe trus maen brigandine lof, pas awal sih oke oke aja
tp pas udah milih negara trus loading, loading ny gak selesai selesai ttp gitu gitu aja, ad saran??
kk aku kan make emulator epsxe maen brigandine lof, pas awal sih oke oke aja, tp pas dah milih negara trus loading, tu loading gak selesai selesai, ttp gitu aja layar nya, ada saran??
yg di run brigandine.img jgn yg brigandine.ccd utk yg lof. di coba aja dlu
saya punya pertanyaan penting. kenapa kok setelah saya maen versi G.E kok setelah ngalahin ungu(empires) saya disuruh ganti disk 2 dan saya tidak bisa melanjutkan. padahal udah di change disc. tolong ya....
kk, numpang tanya, kok cursor gw cepet amat ya ???
Kk, kok punya gw ada lagunya ??? mana serulah...
Tolong dong... Gmn supaya ada soundnya...
Untuk ganti disk ke 2 pake epsxe 1.70 bisa menggunakan cara ini:
donload dlu epsxe 1.52. jalan kan brigandine di epsxe 1.70 setelah mendekati perintah change disk save state (f1) lalu copy semua data di folder sstate epsxe 1.70 dan paste ke folder sstate 1.52. setelah itu jalan kan brigandine pake 1.52 dan pilih load state setelah berhasil ganti disk save state lagi dan copy kembali data di sstate 1.52 ke 1.70 kemudian load state.
karena epsxe 1.70 error klo ganti disk
kk, cara pakai cheatnya gimana nih?
Hi, im newbies in using emulator. I download all the emulator and ISO of brigandine. When i im try to open the ISO of brigandine .bin. The emulator played but the always in the intro. i cant choice Start, Continue and sound. Always keep repeating on the intro... I should i do so that i can play BRigandine. i hope u can help me.
just try use epsxe 1.70 run brigande.bin if it still not work use brigandine.cue. there are two data if u download brigandie game. it can be .bin and .cue or .ccd and .img.
Iya nih mas..masalahku sama kayak mas ivan..aku ga bisa milih negara setiap menu screen langsung milih sendiri n negaranya pasti iscalio..aku pake emu psxfin kalau pake epsxe macet di now loading setelah milih negara..please help..!!
@anonymous: thanks udah bantuin support temen2 yang ada problem
@anonymous: kalo cursor cepet biasanya dari settingan VGA, dikurangin kecepatan graphicnya
@chuun: cheat apa yah?
@backtea: coba pake PSX emulator.. setau saya, saya maen di epxse itu lancar jaya.. mungkin setting2an di epsxenya
gan,pnya ane kok speed gamenya cpt bgt,,,gmn pengaturanya???
gan tahu gmn cara ngedapetin karakter yg bgus2 g??
karakter bagus tergantung tipe apa yg kamu suka. bisa dilihat dr setiap kenaikan lv nya stat apa saja yg paling dominan bertambah. klo menurut saya karakter bagus berdasarkan rune power tinggi. dan job terbaik utk brigandine GE menurut saya swordmaster krn magic def tggi, bisa blok ser fisik serta bisa range atk tnpa pake mp. hp nya cukup tggi dan equip senjatanya ada yg nmbh rune power dan elemen blue. mayoritas monster kuat berelemen fire.
utk mendapat kan karakter bisa melalui quest. dan tergantung negara mana yg km hancurkan. misal setelah mengalahkan esgrares km pnya ksmptn utk dpt ranguins,shiraha,mira&millet.
cara pake patch bahasa inggris versi 5 gmn kk?
kurang ngerti saya..
pake keyboard atau mouse ga bisa yah??
@backtea: cobain semua emulator XD akhirnya saya juga pake psxeven XD
ngatur speed di settingan display om.. coba2 aja.. ntar jg nemu.. hehe
tq ya sekali lagi.. dah bantu temen2 yang kebingungan
patchnya di donlod dulu.. disana ada langkah2nya kalo ga salah.. :).. haha dah lama ga ngepatch.. :P
bisa koq zar.. tinggal disetting di emulatornya aja
waw.. relatif sih kadang2 kalo masalah emulator.. :)
gan,ane udah download brigandine GE di link indowebster. awal maennya bhsa jepang campur inggris,tp pas mau maen lagi bhsanya jadi jepang semua. gmn gan cara mengatasinya?
pake itu english patch.. yang v3 ma v5 di install.. ada cara pakainya koq..
cortina + dogal + ruler mantap !! , btw dogal bagus jadi apa ya klo dah level 10 ke atas , dogal ane udah level tinggi tapi blom di tingkatin level nya XD
dogal jadiin priest sampe expert, kalo barbariannya dah expert biar punya heal trus ke berserker, berserkernya dah expert lanjutin ke avenger.. cortina kalo dah expert di classnya pindahin ke cleric.. nanti pas jadi sorceress biar ada heal.. pas sorceress dah expert pindahin ke lector sampe expert trus mystic jadiin sage deh.. imbalance magicnya nanti.
kalo bisa jgn sampe pas expert itu dia tetep di classnya, sayang bintangnya.. 1x naek level 1x bintang soalnya, jgn buang2 lepelnya.. biar lebih nguasain banyak magic kalo banyak pindah2 class
ada yang versi baru apa tidak
@zhayhacker: brigandine setahu saya cuma 2 versi.. versi Legend of Forsena, sama Grand Edition, emang ada lagi?
ntar saya bagi fotonya kalo udah sempurna tim nya XD
Adhinata why is when I started the game. I choose New game, Choose character, then choose difficulty. Now its "now loading". the game stocks there. it is not changing. "now loading" after I chose the difficulty. please help. :( thanks
@anonymous :: try another emulator , use PSXeven , hope it work
kok suka eror ( gk bisa gerak )
tolongg bantuannya...
@IVAN; THANK YOU :D. haha hope others will help you too. :)
but it seems that the video is too slow -__-
@anonymous : go to advanced options , gpu name : use version 1.14
spu name : version 1.9
for graphic use windows mode 640x480
stretching : stretch to full window size
dithering : game dependend dithering (slow)
for framerate check list :
v. transparent FPS display
v. use FPS limit
V. auto-detect FPS/frame skipping limit
FPS limit (10-200) : 200 FPS
scanlines disabled
(for other dont check list)
Just that ^^
@anonymous : go to advanced setting
for version: 1.4
for graphic:
window mode (640x480)
stretching:stretch to full window size
dithering :Game dependend dithering(slow)
(check list)
V.Transparent FPS display
V.Use FPS limit
V.Auto detect FPS/frame skipping limit
Scanline mode : scanline disabled
(dont check list other)
just that
Do i need to put them in 1 folder adress me as
@ivan: thx ivan
@ade: error ga bisa geraknya gmn ya?? mungkin spek komputernya kali.. hehe
@anonymous: video? any video at this blog?
@bakron: you can put them at different folder, but you must link them to your emulator
iya, ternyata emang kompinya ampas.. ^^
terus kalo pake PsxSeven cara pake yg ungu (lupa namanya) pencet apa ya kak?
Adhinata how can I use cheat? gameshark? How to download it and put your codes their? Thx :)
@adhinata: the video in psxeven is slow. how can I improve it?
in your "Adhinata's Esgares full attack" picture. What type of monster in rhe lane of zemeckis in the most right side??
@anonymous: that is Vampire. ghoul at level 20
how to cheat?
maaf kk saya mau tanya..
pas change disc into disc 2 kok ga bsa di maenin di disc 2 nya ?
ga ke load gtu..
mau tanya knapa nya..
@anonymous: at cheat link from my blog
@anonymous: coba ganti emulator.. mereka bisa, pasti kamu bisa :)
adhinata there are codes there in your cheat link. What will i do to them?
Kak knapa pas pake PSXfin gak bisa milih negara selain escalio trus kalo pake yg laen pas battlenya gak mau...di LoF maenya
@anonymous: maybe that is gameshark code.. sorry, I never use any cheat at this game. coz, Cheating doesn't take the fun out of a game; Losing does. :)
@anonymous: hmm.. itu sih cocok2an sama spek komputer.. tau kurang tau jg deh.. mungkin yg laen bisa bantu sepertinya.. kalo kaya gitu kamu maenin di file save-annya biar bisa dipake di semua emulator.. jadi oper2an emulator aja... kalo di emulator 1 ga bs, pake emulator lain... :)
kk, ada YM ga, mw tanya2 seputar brigandine ni
mau nanya,, donlot emulatornya kog gag bisa ya??
gmana ni w mau download brigandine legend of forsena..beri situsnya?? gmana cara nginstall di pc?? w mau mengenang game pas w msih sd...
kalau ada yg jual ps 1 sma kaset brigandine 2 kaset w bli..
info ja fb
@adhinata :
thanks ya.
mantab brigandine nya. hehe.
skdr share sm yang lain,
gw download BRIGANDINE GE
disk 1 (megaupload)
disk 2 (mediafire)
emulator nya pake psXeven (yg link di atas g bs di download, jd gw googling dikit) hehe.
PATCH english nya juga gw pake yg di atas, yg versi 5.
jd bs brigandine-an lagi. hehe.
buset masih ada brigandine tow.... kirain cuma aku yang doyan game keren gitu heheheheh
@All, coba pake EPXSE yang versi jadul 1.3 lancar jaya untuk yang LOF gausah diakal-akalin, yang GE belum coba lagi download nih...btw yang versi 5 patchnya sudah conversation inggris belum ya?
gan, anne pake pxfin, kok maen yg iso brigandine forsena ulang2 trus sih iklannya. kaga mau lanjut maen. mohon pencerahan gan. padahan dah DL link ISO brigandine 500mb'an
Hi, bro. Thx untuk link download ISO nya. Gua mau nanya2 dikit nih. Hahaha.. Itu yg di gambar, bro pake esgares. Monster sebelah kanan phoenix namanya apa yah? Kok kyknya mirip lord vampire gitu. XD Soalnya, selama gua main brigandine blm pernah ketemu yg begituan monster nya. O.O Terus, hero yg di bawah Zemeckis namanya apa yah? Thx sekali lagi. ^.^
kak.. kok waktu ekstrak file disuruh masukin pass ya?
passnya apa?
gimana cara rubah dr jepang jd inggris?? maaf ><
@anonymous: YM saya adhinata_z
@martin: download aja di link2 diatas. baca aja caranya.
@anonymous: boleh dishare link psxeven yg baru-nya??
@anonymous: banyak brow penggemar brigandine
@anonymous: sarannya boleh juga dicoba tuh. epsxe 1.3, english patch5-nya belum conversation yg english
@anonymous: coba pake emulator laen gan
@youichi: itu vampire lord, evolusi dari ghoul lvl 20. itu esmeree yang jadi sage. magicnya banyak banget bro :)
@anonymous: ga pake password2an koq, emang extract yg mana??
@anonymous: pake english patch bro
Maaf gan, ane lagi buntu nih waktu download yang disc 1 (pdhl dah slsei download yang 2), di idws linknya "file not found", di mediafire katanya " invalid or deleted" and di megaupload (tau sendiri mungkin klo dah di hijack ama fbi katanya).. Bagaimana ya, bisa bantu link alterntv lain ga ya?? ((kenapa juga ana ru tau ada yang GE,, waduh2 sungguh sayang baru tau sekarang,, hehehee)) Mohon Bantuannya gan.. Arigatou, Wakarimasen.
gan...gmn ne...pas kluar tanda startnya tiba - tiba balik ke film lagi...mohon petunjuk gan...
link nya udah hangus semua..T_T
@mus: oke ane cariin yang disc 1 bntar ya..
@jonathan: coba ganti emulator
@bkm: maap rada terlantar nih... yg mana aja ya yang rusak?? boleh kasi tau??
KK Tau Cara Cheat nya gak?? Kalo Di Engine uang doang bisanya,,,,
kalo expnya di cheat Gak ngaruh ada yg tw caranya Cheat expnya ga???
ATo Pake Ijecktor
Gan ini isonya Kurang KOMplit yang Legend of Forsena. cuma bisa pake kerajaan iscalio Orange.....
saya ada ni LINK ISOnya Komplt
dicoba Gan
Brow adhinata, kbtulan gw baru download Brigandine GE yg link rapidshare dari blog kang brow nih. Tp RARnya dksih password, boleh tau passwordnya apa aja?
bos adhinata, koq filenya kalo di save trus pas di shut down/restart comp filenya ilang ya?? udah coba diatur di confiq tp cuma menunya open/cancel aja?
gan,,disc 1 di indowebsternya gk mau,,,gmana gan???pdahal saya uwd download yg disc 2 gan,,,
ga,,,tlong yg disc 1 gan,,,uwd pgn banget maen nich gan,,,,dibantu gan....cpet gan,,,
gan tlong apa disc 1 gan,,pliiiissssss
agan,,,,disc 1 gan,,,disc 1,,,saya uwd pgn bgt maen niy game,,,mmpung masih puasa gan,,,
K, pengend maen yang GE. kok pada gak bisa ya? ada link yang gk error gak?
part 1 nya ga bisa gan
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Tolong Brooo .INi soundtrackny Ga bisa DI buka -_-
Gan kalo mengalami stuk saat loading setelah milih karakter gimana ? 0899 4866 668
bang, tolong di'upload ulang dong file BRIGANDINE'nya ane mau download tapi ga dapet2 yg full (bikin 1disc aja bang) soalnya punya ane banyak banget DISCnya jadi bingung ane ...
bro help..
ak udh coba epsxe v 1.7 ama v.1.9 gbs buat play brigandine legend of forsena hiks..
need help gmn cara ngatasinnya
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