About having a perfect dinner you could spent the night at The Cellar, a restaurant with a really schizophrenic atmosphere. It is a high-end restaurant struggling to find its niche and market. The ground floor is well-stocked with wine, and the upper floor is a spacious collection of seating areas lined with sofas and coffee tables perfect for drinking and sharing conversation with friends. However, the joint clearly wasn’t making enough money just selling wine, so they serve the food as well only it was difficult to eat in those low sofas and tables. The food is just ok. You should try order some salad and their Black Pepper Snapper, and doesn’t really get much out of it except for a safe rendition of fish. Even more bothersome is the fact that the place does not have a wine list, there was loud live music in the middle of the restaurant, and the seating arrangements does not exactly make it easy to watch the show downstairs. The lay-out means for intimate conversations over wine and soft music, however it is difficult to talk as the fiasco on stage proved too obtrusive for any conversation to take place
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