The next place that you could visit is the in-house restaurant in Rumah Mode, one of Bandung’s more popular factory outlets where people get to shop for export overruns of branded Western clothes at cheap prices. This is the story of Bandung, an economy revitalized by Western rejects as factory outlets have attracted a swarm of local and foreign tourists. You could so order ayam bakar in Rumah Mode. It definitely wasn’t comparable to Sariwangi’s but it was hearty and tasteful just the same. Maybe after hours of shopping, you should have a lunch on the veranda of the Cascade Factory Outlet which housed Dego Ramen. At there you could order Chicken Katsudon Noodle. It perhaps taste strange at first as the broth of the soup was altered by the addition of a kind of mushroom you have not seen before. But after a little getting used to, the soup did leave a pleasantly light aftertaste.
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